

首页 » 研究 » 肿瘤 2015-08-20 转化医学网 赞(2)
 近日,来自谢菲尔德大学的科学家通过研究发现,用于成像的核磁共振扫描仪(MRI扫描仪)或可引导基于细胞的肿瘤破坏疗法至机体特异性的靶向位点,相关研究发表于国际杂志Nature Communications上。

  近日,来自谢菲尔德大学的科学家通过研究发现,用于成像的核磁共振扫描仪(MRI扫描仪)或可引导基于细胞的肿瘤破坏疗法至机体特异性的靶向位点,相关研究发表于国际杂志Nature Communications上。
  这项研究中,研究者利用MRI扫描仪来作为施药的关键部分,这就可以轻松实现药物达到机体的原发性和次级肿瘤位点。研究者表示,对癌症小鼠模型机体注射携带SPIOs的免疫细胞,同时在溶瘤病毒的帮助下或许可以使得疗法的有效性增加8倍。Munitta Muthana博士表示,我们的研究者表明,或许可以利用标准的MRI扫描仪来自然地运输基于细胞的疗法至机体的原发性及次级肿瘤位点来帮助杀灭肿瘤细胞,而原发性及次级肿瘤位点一般很难用注射性方法到达。

Directing cell therapy to anatomic target sites in vivo with magnetic resonance targeting
Nature Communications         doi:10.1038/ncomms9009
Munitta Muthana, Aneurin J. Kennerley, Russell Hughes, Ester Fagnano, Jay Richardson, Melanie Paul, Craig Murdoch, Fiona Wright, Christopher Payne, Mark F. Lythgoe, Neil Farrow, Jon Dobson, Joe Conner, Jim M. Wild & Claire Lewis
Cell-based therapy exploits modified human cells to treat diseases but its targeted application in specific tissues, particularly those lying deep in the body where direct injection is not possible, has been problematic. Here we use a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system to direct macrophages carrying an oncolytic virus, Seprehvir, into primary and metastatic tumour sites in mice. To achieve this, we magnetically label macrophages with super-paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and apply pulsed magnetic field gradients in the direction of the tumour sites. Magnetic resonance targeting guides macrophages from the bloodstream into tumours, resulting in increased tumour macrophage infiltration and reduction in tumour burden and metastasis. Our study indicates that clinical MRI scanners can not only track the location of magnetically labelled cells but also have the potential to steer them into one or more target tissues.

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