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  文章中研究者按照预期效应设计了一种筛选新型化合物的方法,并且鉴别出了一种可以有效抵御胰腺癌的新型化合物。研究者Douglas Robinson教授说道,这是一种新型的癌症疗法,相比传统疗法而言,其副作用更小,而且不易产生肿瘤耐药性。同时研究者也认为他们的这种新型筛选系统可以帮助筛选出治疗很多疾病的药物。

  这项研究要追溯到1997年,那会儿Robinson教授正在攻读博士后,在理解细胞分裂及细胞形状改变的过程中,他首次提出了自己独到的见解,在许多疾病包括癌症、神经变性疾病过程中细胞的形状都会发生改变,而影响细胞形状的化合物或许可以拖延疾病的进展。2008年时研究者Alexandra Surcel博士致力于筛选可以调整细胞形状的小分子,很多种药物的筛选关注的是其对疾病特殊生化过程的影响,而他的理念则是基于整个细胞来考虑,举个例子,比如说变形虫网柄菌(amoeba Dictyostelium),其细胞和许多哺乳动物细胞相似,利用特殊分子处理其细胞后,研究者在许多细胞中发现了两个甚至更多的细胞核;正常情况下当变形虫网柄菌分裂为两个子代细胞后才会出现两个细胞核,然而很多细胞中都出现了超过两个甚至更多的细胞核,这就意味着研究人员使用的特殊分子或许可以扭曲细胞的分裂过程。



  以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理,如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com


Pharmacological activation of myosin II paralogs to correct cell mechanics defects
PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1412592112
Alexandra Surcela,1, Win Pin Nga,2, Hoku West-Foylea, Qingfeng Zhub, Yixin Rena, Lindsay B. Averyc, Agata K. Krencd, David J. Meyersc, Ronald S. Rockd, Robert A. Andersb, Caren L. Freel Meyersc, and Douglas N. Robinsona,c,e,1
Current approaches to cancer treatment focus on targeting signal transduction pathways. Here, we develop an alternative system for targeting cell mechanics for the discovery of novel therapeutics. We designed a live-cell, high-throughput chemical screen to identify mechanical modulators. We characterized 4-hydroxyacetophenone (4-HAP), which enhances the cortical localization of the mechanoenzyme myosin II, independent of myosin heavy-chain phosphorylation, thus increasing cellular cortical tension. To shift cell mechanics, 4-HAP requires myosin II, including its full power stroke, specifically activating human myosin IIB (MYH10) and human myosin IIC (MYH14), but not human myosin IIA (MYH9). We further demonstrated that invasive pancreatic cancer cells are more deformable than normal pancreatic ductal epithelial cells, a mechanical profile that was partially corrected with 4-HAP, which also decreased the invasion and migration of these cancer cells. Overall, 4-HAP modifies nonmuscle myosin II-based cell mechanics across phylogeny and disease states and provides proof of concept that cell mechanics offer a rich drug target space, allowing for possible corrective modulation of tumor cell behavior.

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