

首页 » 研究 » 糖尿病 2015-01-19 转化医学网 赞(2)
肥胖药物疗法的首次临床实践指南中为健康从业医生提供了一种新型工具来帮助其寻找最新的药物疗法来治疗肥胖病人,在过去两年里FDA批准了四种抗肥胖药物,即氯卡色林、托吡酯、安非他酮、利拉鲁肽。医学博士Donna Ryan表示,药物治疗指南中为临床医生提供了一种思路来选择抗肥胖药物疗法来治疗仅凭饮食和锻炼并不能达到减肥效果的个体。

 肥胖药物疗法的首次临床实践指南中,为健康从业医生提供了一种新型工具来帮助其寻找治疗肥胖病人的最新的药物疗法,在过去两年里FDA批准了四种抗肥胖药物,即氯卡色林、托吡酯、安非他酮、利拉鲁肽。医学博士Donna Ryan表示,药物治疗指南中为临床医生提供了一种思路来选择抗肥胖药物疗法来治疗仅凭饮食和锻炼并不能达到减肥效果的个体。

  相关研究刊登于国际杂志The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism上,治疗指南中指出,医生们需要基于肥胖相关的并发症来为患者选择最佳的疗法,比如2型糖尿病和心血管疾病等,而且指南中还给出了特殊的意见,即切断导致病人体重增加的药物,转变治疗患者体重增加的疗法模式。




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Pharmacological Management of Obesity: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline
JCEM doi:10.1210/jc.2014-3415
Caroline M. Apovian, Louis J. Aronne, Daniel H. Bessesen, Marie E. McDonnell, M. Hassan Murad, Uberto Pagotto, Donna H. Ryan, and Christopher D. Still
To formulate clinical practice guidelines for the pharmacological management of obesity.
An Endocrine Society-appointed Task Force of experts, a methodologist, and a medical writer. This guideline was co-sponsored by the European Society of Endocrinology and The Obesity Society.
This evidence-based guideline was developed using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system to describe the strength of recommendations and the quality of evidence.
Consensus Process:
One group meeting, several conference calls, and e-mail communications enabled consensus. Committees and members of the Endocrine Society, the European Society of Endocrinology, and The Obesity Society reviewed and commented on preliminary drafts of these guidelines. Two systematic reviews were conducted to summarize some of the supporting evidence.
Weight loss is a pathway to health improvement for patients with obesity-associated risk factors and comorbidities. Medications approved for chronic weight management can be useful adjuncts to lifestyle change for patients who have been unsuccessful with diet and exercise alone. Many medications commonly prescribed for diabetes, depression, and other chronic diseases have weight effects, either to promote weight gain or produce weight loss. Knowledgeable prescribing of medications, choosing whenever possible those with favorable weight profiles, can aid in the prevention and management of obesity and thus improve health.

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