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近日发表在国际杂志Journal of Alzheimer's Disease上的一项研究报道中,来自国外的研究人员表示,全世界大约有三分之二的阿尔兹海默氏症患者发病都归因于9种不同的状况,而这些状况都源于对生活方式选择的不同。

  近日发表在国际杂志Journal of Alzheimer's Disease上的一项研究报道中,来自国外的研究人员表示,全世界大约有三分之二的阿尔兹海默氏症患者发病都归因于9种不同的状况,而这些状况都源于对生活方式选择的不同。
  文章中,研究者Jin-Tai Yu表示,当前的研究证据表明个体或许会因对这9种风险因子的改善而获益;而本文中研究者看到的只是一种关联,而并不是一种风险因子和个体患阿尔兹海默氏症的因果关系,这就意味着或许可以通过消除任何一种风险因素来保护机体抵御阿尔兹海默氏症。

Nine factors you can control may be key to Alzheimer's risk
Up to two-thirds of Alzheimer's cases worldwide may stem from any of nine conditions that often result from lifestyle choices, a broad research review suggests.
Those include obesity (specifically, high body mass index, an indication of obesity, in midlife); carotid artery disease, in which plaque buildup narrows major neck arteries and slows blood supply to the brain; high blood pressure; depression; being frail; being poorly educated; having high levels of a naturally occurring amino acid known as homocysteine; and (specifically among those of Asian descent) being a smoker and/or having either type 2 diabetes.
The implication: Taking steps to minimize or eliminate such conditions might reduce the long-term risk for developing Alzheimer's, a brain disorder that affects memory and thinking. It is the most common form of dementia among seniors.
"The current evidence from our study showed that individuals would benefit from [addressing] the related potentially modifiable risk factors," said study lead author Dr. Jin-Tai Yu, an associate specialist in neurology at the University of California, San Francisco, and senior editor of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.
But Yu cautioned that "what is what is seen here is an association rather than a direct cause-and-effect relationship between any one factor and Alzheimer's risk." And that, he said, means it's impossible to determine exactly how much protection against Alzheimer's would be gained by the elimination of any one condition.
Yu and his colleagues discuss their findings in the Aug. 20 online issue of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.
In all, investigators reviewed the findings of 323 studies completed between 1968 and 2014. Collectively, the studies involved more than 5,000 patients and looked at 93 conditions with the potential to affect Alzheimer's risk.....

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