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发表在杂志Allergy上的一项研究报告中,来自米兰Sacco医院的研究者通过研究表示,对于利用高效抗逆转录病毒疗法(HAART)治疗的草花粉过敏的HIV阳性患者而言,舌下脱敏治疗(sublingual immunotherapy,SLIT)或许可以给患者带来较为明显的临床效益。

  发表在杂志Allergy上的一项研究报告中,来自米兰Sacco医院的研究者通过研究表示,对于利用高效抗逆转录病毒疗法(HAART)治疗的草花粉过敏的HIV阳性患者而言,舌下脱敏治疗(sublingual immunotherapy,SLIT)或许可以给患者带来较为明显的临床效益。
  研究者Enrico Iemoli表示,文章中我们对HAART治疗的草花粉过敏的HIV阳性患者进行研究,检测了SLIT疗法对患者的安全性及临床疗效;通过将13名接受SLIT药片治疗的患者同利用系统性疗法治疗的9名患者进行对比,研究者利用综合得分(TCS)、总的药物症状分值及生活质量(QoL)的调查问卷来评估患者的临床治疗效果。

Sublingual Allergen Immunotherapy in HIV positive patients
Allergy    DOI: 10.1111/all.12713
Enrico Iemoli*, Linda Borgonovo, Alessandra Fusi, Carlo Magni, Elena Delfina Ricci, Giuliano Rizzardini andStefania Piconi
HIV infection is a relative contraindication for allergic immunotherapy (AIT). In the last decade highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has improved immune function and life expectancy in HIV infected patients whose respiratory allergies incidence is similar to the general population.
We evaluated the safety and clinical effectiveness of sublingual immunotherapy in a group of grass-pollen allergic HAART treated HIV-positive patients. Thirteen patients received sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) tablet (Oralair, Stallergenes©) and symptomatic therapy and were compared with nine receiving symptomatic therapy alone. Clinical benefits were evaluated by analysis of total combined score (TCS), sum of symptom-medication score and a quality of life (QoL) questionnaire. HIV viral load and peripheral TCD4 lymphocytes were analyzed at the beginning and the end of the study. Clinical efficacy data showed a significant improvement in SLIT treated patients compared to controls (TCS: p=0.0001; QoL: p= 0.03). We did not observe a significant alteration of TCD4 cells counts and viral load (VL) in both groups.


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