

首页 » 研究 » 肿瘤 2015-07-23 转化医学网 赞(2)

  研究者William Bisson说道,我们研究发现这些化学品可以协同作用来增加个体患癌风险,比如,EDTA,一种用于制造业和医学领域的金属离子结合化合物就会干扰机体损伤基因的修复,EDTA并不会引发机体遗传突变,但如果当你暴露于EDTA同诱变剂共同存在的情况下,这就会增加机体患癌效应,因为EDTA会干扰DNA的修复。

Assessing the carcinogenic potential of low-dose exposures to chemical mixtures in the environment: the challenge ahead
Carcinogenesis     doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgv039
William H. Goodson III*, Leroy Lowe1,2, David O. Carpenter3, Michael Gilbertson4, Abdul Manaf Ali5 et al
Lifestyle factors are responsible for a considerable portion of cancer incidence worldwide, but credible estimates from the World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) suggest that the fraction of cancers attributable to toxic environmental exposures is between 7% and 19%. To explore the hypothesis that low-dose exposures to mixtures of chemicals in the environment may be combining to contribute to environmental carcinogenesis, we reviewed 11 hallmark phenotypes of cancer, multiple priority target sites for disruption in each area and prototypical chemical disruptors for all targets, this included dose-response characterizations, evidence of low-dose effects and cross-hallmark effects for all targets and chemicals. In total, 85 examples of chemicals were reviewed for actions on key pathways/mechanisms related to carcinogenesis. Only 15% (13/85) were found to have evidence of a dose-response threshold, whereas 59% (50/85) exerted low-dose effects. No dose-response information was found for the remaining 26% (22/85). Our analysis suggests that the cumulative effects of individual (non-carcinogenic) chemicals acting on different pathways, and a variety of related systems, organs, tissues and cells could plausibly conspire to produce carcinogenic synergies. Additional basic research on carcinogenesis and research focused on low-dose effects of chemical mixtures needs to be rigorously pursued before the merits of this hypothesis can be further advanced. However, the structure of the World Health Organization International Programme on Chemical Safety ‘Mode of Action’ framework should be revisited as it has inherent weaknesses that are not fully aligned with our current understanding of cancer biology.

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