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来自荷兰屯特大学(the University of Twente)的研究者近日开发了一项用于检测乳腺癌的新技术,这种技术基于物理光声学原理,其被命名为PAMmography,可以利用短脉冲光来发挥作用,而短脉冲光可以在血管密度较高的地方产生超声波,比如在恶性肿瘤患处附近,文章中研究者发现乳腺肿瘤存在特异性的表现,同时他们利用这种新技术对乳腺肿瘤进行了特异性成像。

  来自荷兰屯特大学(the University of Twente)的研究者近日开发了一项用于检测乳腺癌的新技术,这种技术基于物理光声学原理,其被命名为PAMmography,可以利用短脉冲光来发挥作用,而短脉冲光可以在血管密度较高的地方产生超声波,比如在恶性肿瘤患处附近,文章中研究者发现乳腺肿瘤存在特异性的表现,同时他们利用这种新技术对乳腺肿瘤进行了特异性成像。
  相关研究成果刊登于国际杂志Scientific Reports上,早在15年前研究人员就开始开发检测乳腺癌的新方法了,本文研究基于此前名为PAM的原型,本文研究中研究人员表示这种新型技术可以在实践中揭示乳腺肿瘤的存在,而且他们利用该技术在32名乳腺癌患者机体中揭示了多种乳腺肿瘤的表现形式。


Photoacoustic image patterns of breast carcinoma and comparisons with Magnetic Resonance Imaging and vascular stained histopathology
Scientific Reports     doi:10.1038/srep11778
M. Heijblom, D. Piras, M. Brinkhuis, J. C. G. van Hespen, F. M. van den Engh, M. van der Schaaf, J. M. Klaase, T. G. van Leeuwen, W. Steenbergen & S. Manohar
Photoacoustic (optoacoustic) imaging can visualize vasculature deep in tissue using the high contrast of hemoglobin to light, with the high-resolution possible with ultrasound detection. Since angiogenesis, one of the hallmarks of cancer, leads to increased vascularity, photoacoustics holds promise in imaging breast cancer as shown in proof-of-principle studies. Here for the first time, we investigate if there are specific photoacoustic appearances of breast malignancies which can be related to the tumor vascularity, using an upgraded research imaging system, the Twente Photoacoustic Mammoscope. In addition to comparisons with x-ray and ultrasound images, in subsets of cases the photoacoustic images were compared with MR images, and with vascular staining in histopathology. We were able to identify lesions in suspect breasts at the expected locations in 28 of 29 cases. We discovered generally three types of photoacoustic appearances reminiscent of contrast enhancement types reported in MR imaging of breast malignancies, and first insights were gained into the relationship with tumor vascularity.

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