

首页 » 研究 » 检验 2015-05-07 转化医学网 赞(7)

  Claire Roberts教授表示,基于算法的新型筛查技术可以被用于进行早孕的检测,并且帮助临床医生对风险女性进行早期疗法的治疗,从而降低并且抑制患者并发症的发生。在澳大利亚平均有25%的孕妇会被四种常见的妊娠并发症中的一种所影响,这四种并发症包括先兆子痫、早产、胎儿宫内发育迟缓以及妊娠糖尿病。
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Researchers at the University's Robinson Research Institute have developed algorithms (or calculations) that combine subtle variations in DNA sequences in genes involved in placental development with clinical, socioeconomic, lifestyle and family history data that can predict a woman's risk of having a pregnancy complication.

Professor Claire Roberts says this new screening test can be used in early pregnancy and will allow clinicians to initiate treatments for women at risk earlier, helping to reduce the severity of, or prevent, the complications.

"On average, 25% of first pregnancies in Australia are affected by one of the four major complications: preeclampsia, preterm birth, intrauterine growth restriction and gestational diabetes," Professor Roberts says.

"The health issues for babies whose mothers experience pregnancy complications range from childhood obesity, mild learning and behavioural problems to severe disabilities such as cerebral palsy, intellectual handicap and blindness or even death. The women and babies affected by these complications are also at higher risk for developing adult onset diseases, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

"The screening test identifies a woman's risk for pregnancy complications and what those complications may be, which allows for earlier intervention and treatment. For example, if it is identified in early pregnancy that a woman is at risk of developing preeclampsia, low dose aspirin before 16 weeks' gestation could delay the onset of the condition or prevent it completely," she says......

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