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近日,一篇发表于国际杂志Endocrinology上的研究论文中,来自弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)的研究人员表示,拥有过多的食物选择或将增加个体的肥胖问题,实际上选择高脂肪和低脂肪的饮食都不会帮助决定后代是否趋于肥胖的节奏。

  有些科学家表示,当母亲在怀孕期间营养较差的时候,就会将这种情况遗传给下一代从而使得后代也更倾向于有较差的饮食及机体健康状况;近日一篇发表于国际杂志Endocrinology上的研究论文中,来自弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)的研究人员表示,拥有过多的食物选择或将增加个体的肥胖问题,实际上选择高脂肪和低脂肪的饮食都不会帮助决定后代是否趋于肥胖的节奏。

  尽管这项研究是利用小鼠为研究对象,但这也可以帮助揭示人类的自然环境如何影响食物的选择,最终影响个体的体重;在一个三分之一成年人及17%的儿童都是肥胖的国家,揭示肥胖发生的根源的确非常有必要。此前对小鼠的研究中,研究者调查了母鼠饮食对后代小鼠肥胖的影响,George Davis说道,我们发现环境因子非常重要,但在研究肥胖时,其相比母亲的饮食却并没有那么重要了。




  以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理。如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com。


Mitigating or Exacerbating Effects of Maternal-Fetal Programming of Female Mice Through the Food Choice Environment
Endocrinology DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/en.2014-1523
Bonnie Brenseke*, Javiera Bahamonde*, Michael Talanian, Ellie Kornfeind, Jacquiline Daly, Grayson Cobb, Jinhua Zhang, M. Renee Prater, George C. Davis, and Deborah J. Good
Humans live, eat, and become overweight/obese in complex surroundings where there are many available food choices. Prenatal exposure to poor food choices predisposes offspring to increased negative health risks, including obesity. Many animal experiments have analyzed intergenerational body weight parameters in an environment without food choices, which may not be directly translatable to the human food environment. In this study, offspring from mothers with a defined high-fat diet (HFD) or low-fat diet (LFD) were arbitrarily assigned to either an exclusively LFD or HFD or to a diet where they have a choice between LFD and HFD (choice diet). Offspring displayed negative outcomes of increased body weight, body fat, serum leptin, and blood glucose levels when given the choice diet compared with offspring on the LFD. Conversely, improved energy expenditure was found for offspring given the choice diet compared with offspring from HFD dams given LFD. In addition, maternal diet-specific influences on offspring metabolic parameters were identified, especially in offspring from HFD dams, including positive outcomes of reduced leptin in LFD offspring, reduced corticosterone and cholesterol levels in HFD offspring, and increased exercise levels in choice offspring, as well as the negative outcome of increased calorie intake in LFD offspring from HFD dams. This defined model can now be used as the basis for future studies to characterize the cycle of inter- and intragenerational obesity and whether more realistic diet environments, especially those including choice, can mitigate phenotype.

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