
手机配件 + 15分钟:艾滋梅毒检测就这么简单

首页 » 研究 » 医疗器械 2015-02-06 转化医学网 赞(2)


  研究人员设计了一种廉价的、易于在智能手机中使用的配件,其可以帮助智能手机在15分钟内检测多种烈性传染病。只需要从手指上刺出一滴血。然后按下设备中的黑色大按钮,就可以创建一个中空环境,之后血液会被吸入到一个具有一次性信用卡大小的小通道中。在这个通道中,具有几个检测区域,这些区域能够抓住血液中的任一抗体,从而揭示特定疾病的存在。只需要耗费智能手机很少的电,就可以进行检测并显示结果:该团队说,第四代的iPod Touch一次电,可以完成41例的检查。

  研究人员在卢旺达的三个社区诊所中进行了实验,那里的医护人员使用这个设备,现场快速的筛选出了96名HIV感染者和激活或者潜伏的梅毒患者。根据实验室检测的黄金标准,该检测仅仅遗漏了一个潜伏期梅毒患者,具有较高的准确性,这些结果,该团队在线发表于《Science Translational Medicine》上。


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  Smart phones can pay our bills, track our diets, and record our slumber. Soon they may become a leading weapon in the global fight against disease. Researchers have designed a cheap, easy-to-use smart phone attachment (shown above) that can test patients for multiple deadly infectious diseases in 15 minutes . All it takes is a drop of blood from a finger prick. Pressing the device’s big black button creates a vacuum that sucks the blood into a maze of tiny channels within its disposable credit card-sized cartridge. There, several detection zones snag any antibodies in the blood that reveal the presence of a particular disease. It only takes a tiny bit of power from the smart phone to detect and display the results: A fourth-generation iPod Touch could screen 41 patients on a single charge, the team says. The researchers conducted a field test of the device at three Rwandan community clinics, where health care workers rapidly screened 96 patients for HIV and active and latent forms of syphilis. Compared with gold standard laboratory tests, the dongle was 96% as accurate in detecting infections, missing just one case of latent syphilis, the team reports online today in Science Translational Medicine. Despite a 14% false alarm rate, the researchers say the device’s high sensitivity and ease of use make it a powerful tool for diagnosing these deadly diseases in the field, particularly among pregnant women. The researchers are now preparing a larger scale trial for the $34 device, which they hope will let mobile clinics and health workers provide rapid and reliable disease screening in the remotest areas of the world.(转化医学网360zhyx.com)

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