

首页 » 研究 » 肿瘤 2015-01-28 转化医学网 赞(2)

 发表在国际杂志the Journal of Clinical Investigation上的一篇研究论文中,来自肯塔基大学Markey癌症中心的研究人员通过研究发现,靶向作用一种关键酶类及其相关的代谢程序或许会帮助开发治疗肺癌的新型药物。癌细胞往往都会通过改变代谢来满足自身对能量的需求从而持续生长,细胞中线粒体的三羧酸循环被用于供给能量及细胞生长所需要的原料,而线粒体中的两种酶类:丙酮酸羧化酶(PC)和谷氨酰胺酶可以补充三羧酸循环中的碳。




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Pyruvate carboxylase is critical for non–small-cell lung cancer proliferation
JCI doi:10.1172/JCI72873
Katherine Sellers1,6, Matthew P. Fox2, Michael Bousamra, II2,5, Stephen P. Slone3, Richard M. Higashi1,4,7, Donald M. Miller5, Yali Wang5, Jun Yan5, Mariia O. Yuneva6, Rahul Deshpande7, Andrew N. Lane4,5,7 and Teresa W.-M. Fan1,4,5,7
Anabolic biosynthesis requires precursors supplied by the Krebs cycle, which in turn requires anaplerosis to replenish precursor intermediates. The major anaplerotic sources are pyruvate and glutamine, which require the activity of pyruvate carboxylase (PC) and glutaminase 1 (GLS1), respectively. Due to their rapid proliferation, cancer cells have increased anabolic and energy demands; however, different cancer cell types exhibit differential requirements for PC- and GLS-mediated pathways for anaplerosis and cell proliferation. Here, we infused patients with early-stage non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with uniformly 13C-labeled glucose before tissue resection and determined that the cancerous tissues in these patients had enhanced PC activity. Freshly resected paired lung tissue slices cultured in 13C6-glucose or 13C5,15N2-glutamine tracers confirmed selective activation of PC over GLS in NSCLC. Compared with noncancerous tissues, PC expression was greatly enhanced in cancerous tissues, whereas GLS1 expression showed no trend. Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis of paired lung tissues showed PC overexpression in cancer cells rather than in stromal cells of tumor tissues. PC knockdown induced multinucleation, decreased cell proliferation and colony formation in human NSCLC cells, and reduced tumor growth in a mouse xenograft model. Growth inhibition was accompanied by perturbed Krebs cycle activity, inhibition of lipid and nucleotide biosynthesis, and altered glutathione homeostasis. These findings indicate that PC-mediated anaplerosis in early-stage NSCLC is required for tumor survival and proliferation.

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