

首页 » 研究 » 肿瘤 2015-01-23 转化医学网 赞(5)
近日,来自加泰罗尼亚肿瘤研究所和Bellvitge生物医学研究所(ICO-IDIBELL,音译)的研究团队开发了一种新型的动物模型,该模型可以真正重现不同的人类肿瘤的进化及恶化过程,相关研究发表于国际杂志Cancer Research上。

  近日,来自加泰罗尼亚肿瘤研究所和Bellvitge生物医学研究所(ICO-IDIBELL,音译)的研究团队开发了一种新型的动物模型,这些动物模型可以真正重现不同的人类肿瘤的进化及恶化过程,相关研究发表于国际杂志Cancer Research上。





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This facilitates parallel tumor progression in patients suffering from the disease in an animal laboratory mice in this case; and predict possible relapses and anticipate what will be most effective treatments.

The technique relies on the use of orthotopic mice models (orthoxenograft®), by implanting human tumors in the appropriate body of the mouse. For example, when a biopsy is made to the patient or the tumor is extracted, can be implanted at the same organ in the mouse.

Thus, the animal model reproduces histological, genetic and epigenetic the human tumor characteristics and patterns of spread, which is not achieved with other methods of implementation.

Meanwhile, you can apply the same treatment to the patient in the mouse, and monitor progress, opening the door to assess the risk of relapse and the most effective treatment with fewer side effects in each case, getting a personalized therapy, as each patient would have a corresponding animal model.

The ICO-IDIBELL team, in collaboration with the CNIO in Madrid, and the Boston Childrens Hospital has successfully obtained models in colon, lung and ovarian cancer.

This work has been published in Cancer Research.

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