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如果你想减肥,减肥中心或许是你交流经验及得到支持的理想场所,近日,一篇刊登在国际杂志the Journal of Consumer Research上的研究论文中,来自芝加哥大学的研究人员通过研究表示,当你在减肥中心越接近减肥目标时,你和支持团队中其它成员的团结凝聚力就会越来越差。

  如果你想减肥,减肥中心或许是你交流经验及得到支持的理想场所,近日,一篇刊登在国际杂志the Journal of Consumer Research上的研究论文中,来自芝加哥大学的研究人员通过研究表示,当你在减肥中心越接近减肥目标时,你和支持团队中其它成员的团结凝聚力就会越来越差。

  研究者Szu-chi Huang表示,当用户开始为一个目标工作奋斗时,他们通常会对如何完成这个目标感觉到不确定,而且经常会在一个类似的阶段去看看自己的朋友们干的如何;但是一旦当目标快要达到时用户就会感觉到非常的确定而且会认为他们不再需要其它人的帮助,因此他们就会慢慢与朋友们保持一定的距离,并且仅会保持对自己有用的信息。




  以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理,谢绝转载。如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com

From Close to Distant: The Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships in Shared Goal Pursuit
Journal of Consumer Research DOI: 10.1086/678958
Szu-chi Huang, Susan M. Broniarczyk, Ying Zhang, Mariam Beruchashvili
This research examines how individuals’ relationship with others sharing the pursuit of the same individual goal may change from early to later stages of the pursuit. In one qualitative field study, one lab study, and a 7-day field experiment, consumers demonstrated a tendency to view others in shared pursuit as “friends” to seek support from and alleviate uncertainties during the early stage of the pursuit; however, once they reached the advanced stage and felt more certain about how to approach and complete the goal, this closeness significantly reduced. This shift in the relationship further influenced consumers’ interaction with others, such as the sharing of helpful tips and information. The findings provide insights into the autonomous information-sharing behaviors of consumers in shared goal pursuit and the key drivers behind the effectiveness of shared-pursuit programs (e.g., Weight Watchers, AA).

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