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新的一年马上就要到来了,在2015年你的新年愿望是减肥吗?那么来自美国芝加哥洛约拉大学卫生系统(Loyola University Health System)的研究者就提示大家要避免5种不良的策略。

  新的一年马上就要到来了,在2015年你的新年愿望是减肥吗?那么来自美国芝加哥洛约拉大学卫生系统(Loyola University Health System)的研究者就提示大家要避免5种不良的策略。
 不良策略No.1 :我在健身房减肥
  不良策略No.2 :我必须要大幅改变我的饮食
  不良策略No.3 :我认为减肥补充剂可以让减肥更容易
  不良策略No.4 :我想成为减肥达人并且快速减肥
  不良策略No.5 :我放弃减肥

  以上为转化医学网原创翻译整理,谢绝转载。如需转载,请联系 info@360zhyx.com

Is your New Year's resolution to lose weight? Here are five bad strategies to avoid, according to Dr. Aaron Michelfelder of Loyola University Health System:
Bad strategy No. 1: I'll lose weight at the gym. Working out is good for your health and can help to maintain your weight. But exercise alone is not very effective in shedding pounds. To lose weight, you will need to eat fewer calories.
Bad Strategy No. 2: I'll have to dramatically change my diet. A radical change is not necessary. A more effective strategy is to simply cut back a few hundred calories a day. When going to a restaurant, for example, eat an apple before dinner to dull your appetite, then skip the bread before the main dish arrives. Eat smaller portions and ask for a to-go container.
Bad Strategy No. 3: Weight-loss supplements will make it easier. Supplements burn more muscle than fat. And when you stop taking them, you will gain back more fat than muscle, making you worse off than if you had never taken them in the first place.
Bad Strategy No. 4: I want to be like the Biggest Loser and shed pounds quickly. A more realistic -- and healthy -- strategy is to try to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. If you cut back 500 calories a day (such as a bagel and cream cheese), you will lose a pound a week. If you cut back just 250 calories a day (one candy bar) you will lose 2 pounds a month. "This will provide the slow-and-steady type of weight loss that will be long-lasting," Dr. Michelfelder said.
Bad Strategy No. 5: I give up. I'll never get down to a normal weight, so why even try? Do not despair if you do not get down to a trim, normal weight (defined as a body mass index of between 18.5 and 24.9). If you are overweight or obese, losing 10 percent of your body weight will improve your appearance and have significant health benefits, such as lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of diabetes. Even losing as little as 5 pounds will be good for your joints.

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