
Nat Commun:阻断HIV扩散的新策略

首页 » 研究 2014-12-28 转化医学网 赞(2)

  为了阻断HIV的扩散,HIV流行地区的政府部门也在考虑向那些高风险HIV人群提供抗逆转录病毒的药物,这些药物可以提供一种暴露前的预防作用(PrEP);尽管常规的策略是试图向每一个城市、村庄的个体分发药物,这种方法看似公平且符合逻辑,但是近日刊登在国际杂志Nature Communications上的一篇研究论文中,来自加州大学洛杉矶分校的研究人员设计了一种可以有效减少HIV传播的新型有效的方法。
  文章中,研究者利用复杂的数学模型,对热门区域,即HIV感染风险较高的地区进行特殊标记来开发相应的预防策略,在南非有17%的人口都感染了HIV,而该数学模型预测表示,通过靶向关注热门区域就可以抑制40%以上的人群感染HIV;研究者Sally Blower说道,阻断HIV的流行是未来全球所要面临的一个大的挑战。

Using geospatial modelling to optimize the rollout of antiretroviral-based pre-exposure HIV interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa
Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms6454
David J. Gerberry, Bradley G. Wagner, J. Gerardo Garcia-Lerma, Walid Heneine & Sally Blower
Antiretroviral (ARV)-based pre-exposure HIV interventions may soon be rolled out in resource-constrained Sub-Saharan African countries, but rollout plans have yet to be designed. Here we use geospatial modelling and optimization techniques to compare two rollout plans for ARV-based microbicides in South Africa: a utilitarian plan that minimizes incidence by using geographic targeting, and an egalitarian plan that maximizes geographic equity in access to interventions. We find significant geographic variation in the efficiency of interventions in reducing HIV transmission, and that efficiency increases disproportionately with increasing incidence. The utilitarian plan would result in considerable geographic inequity in access to interventions, but (by exploiting geographic variation in incidence) could prevent ~40% more infections than the egalitarian plan. Our results show that the geographic resource allocation decisions made at the beginning of a rollout, and the location where the rollout is initiated, will be crucial in determining the success of interventions in reducing HIV epidemics.

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