
Nat Commun:科学家揭开了人类大脑的起源之谜

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在寻找我们大脑起源的研究上,海德堡大学的科学家获得了中枢神经系统(CNS)及其高度发育的生物结构在进化上的重要线索,研究人员一直利用海葵(Nematostella vectensis)模型在分子水平上来研究神经的发生,而刊登在国际杂志Nature Communications上的研究论文中,研究人员利用特定的基因和信号因子阐明了大脑神经细胞集中的起源如何可以追溯到简单的弥散性神经网以及原始的低等动物,比如海葵等。

 在寻找我们大脑起源的研究上,海德堡大学的科学家获得了中枢神经系统(CNS)及其高度发育的生物结构在进化上的重要线索,研究人员一直利用海葵(Nematostella vectensis)模型在分子水平上来研究神经的发生,而刊登在国际杂志Nature Communications上的研究论文中,研究人员利用特定的基因和信号因子阐明了大脑神经细胞集中的起源如何可以追溯到简单的弥散性神经网以及原始的低等动物,比如海葵等。






Sequential actions of β-catenin and Bmp pattern the oral nerve net in Nematostella vectensis
Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms6536
Hiroshi Watanabe, Anne Kuhn, Manami Fushiki, Kiyokazu Agata, Suat Özbek, Toshitaka Fujisawa & Thomas W. Holstein
Animal evolution is closely linked to the emergence of the nervous system. At present it is unknown how the basic mechanisms of neural induction and formation of central nervous systems evolved. We addressed this question in Nematostella vectensis, a member of cnidarians, the ancient sister group of bilaterians. We found that β-catenin signalling is crucial for the early induction of the embryonic nervous system. β-Catenin activity at the blastopore induces specific neurogenic genes required for development of the oral nervous system. β-Catenin signalling induces also Bmp signalling, which, at later larval stages, becomes indispensible for the maintenance and asymmetric patterning of the oral nervous system along the primary and secondary (directive) axes. We hypothesize that the consecutive and functionally linked involvement of β-catenin and Bmp signalling in the formation of the cnidarian oral nervous system reflects an ancestral mechanism that evolved before the cnidarian/bilaterian split.

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