
Nat Commun:诊断纤毛遗传障碍的新型成像技术

首页 » 研究 » 检验 2014-12-23 转化医学网 赞(4)


  如今研究人员并不能对名为ciliopathies的纤毛遗传障碍进行准确诊断、研究以及治疗,本文研究中,来自北卡罗来纳州立大学的研究人员就利用了一种新型技术捕捉到了人类机体纤毛的高分辨率图像,为研究ciliopathies的发生提供了巨大的帮助,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Nature Communications上。





Cryo-electron tomography reveals ciliary defects underlying human RSPH1 primary ciliary dyskinesia
Nature Communications doi:10.1038/ncomms6727
Jianfeng Lin, Weining Yin, Maria C. Smith, Kangkang Song, Margaret W. Leigh, Maimoona A. Zariwala, Michael R. Knowles, Lawrence E. Ostrowski & Daniela Nicastro
Cilia play essential roles in normal human development and health; cilia dysfunction results in diseases such as primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD). Despite their importance, the native structure of human cilia is unknown, and structural defects in the cilia of patients are often undetectable or remain elusive because of heterogeneity. Here we develop an approach that enables visualization of human (patient) cilia at high-resolution using cryo-electron tomography of samples obtained noninvasively by nasal scrape biopsy. We present the native 3D structures of normal and PCD-causing RSPH1-mutant human respiratory cilia in unprecedented detail; this allows comparisons of cilia structure across evolutionarily distant species and reveals the previously unknown primary defect and the heterogeneous secondary defects in RSPH1-mutant cilia. Our data provide evidence for structural and functional heterogeneity in radial spokes, suggest a mechanism for the milder RSPH1 PCD phenotype and demonstrate that cryo-electron tomography can be applied to human disease by directly imaging patient samples.

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