
The Breast:研究发现女性乳房大患乳腺癌风险也大

首页 » 研究 1970-01-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
根据来自澳大利亚西澳大学和西澳X光乳房检查服务处(BreastScreen WA)的一项研究,研究人员发现乳房较大的女性要比乳房中等大小的那些女性拥有更高的乳腺癌发病率。 论文通讯作者、西澳大学临床副教授Liz Wylie说,这项研究特别强调了对所有女性而言,定期进行乳房X线检查是非常重要的,特别是对那些拥有较大乳房的女性而言。 <!--more--> 乳房较...

根据来自澳大利亚西澳大学和西澳X光乳房检查服务处(BreastScreen WA)的一项研究,研究人员发现乳房较大的女性要比乳房中等大小的那些女性拥有更高的乳腺癌发病率。

论文通讯作者、西澳大学临床副教授Liz Wylie说,这项研究特别强调了对所有女性而言,定期进行乳房X线检查是非常重要的,特别是对那些拥有较大乳房的女性而言。



在这项发表在<em>The Breast</em> 期刊上的研究中,研究人员分析了将近76万名女性(年龄在40到70多岁),她们当中将近5.5万名女性拥有较大的乳房。那些通过手术手段而增加或降低乳房大小的女性和那些之前被诊断患上乳腺癌或卵巢癌的女性不包括在这项研究之中。

大乳房被定义为是女性在进行乳房X光检查时需要更大的胶卷暗盒(mammogram film cassettes)。标准胶卷暗盒大小是18 x 24cm,而更大的胶卷暗盒是24 x 30cm。

Wylie说,这项研究值得关注,因为澳大利亚正面临着肥胖流行症。增加的身体质量指数(body mass index, BMI)与更高风险患上绝经后乳腺癌相关联。

本文编译自<a href="http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-07-large-breasts-cancer.html" target="_blank">Large breasts a cancer risk: study</a>
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<img src="http://www.bioon.com/biology/UploadFiles/201207/2012072609382417.gif" alt="" width="113" height="149" border="0" />

<a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.breast.2011.12.001" target="_blank">doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2011.12.001</a>


<br/><strong>Outcome of mammography in women with large breasts</strong><br/>

Ceyda Gayde, Ismail Goolam, Haider Khan Bangash, Janette Tresham, Lin Fritschi, Elizabeth Wylie

Mammography has been established as an effective screening tool for the early detection of breast cancer. Obesity may lead to increased breast size and has been linked to increased rates of breast cancer. As women with larger breasts may be predisposed to developing cancer, it is important that mammography is an appropriate test in these women. This study investigated the sensitivity and specificity of mammography in women with larger breasts in a population screening program. Method Data was obtained from 848 648 eligible screening episodes of women aged over 40. Of these episodes, 758 860 were eligible for the study, with 7.2% (54 879 screens) deemed to have large breasts. Large breasts were defined as those for whom at least one large cassette was used in the mammographic process. Those women having only four standard cassettes per screen were classified as having average size breasts (703 981 screens, 92.8%). Cancer detection rates, interval cancer rates (false negatives) and recall to assessment rates were compared for women examined on standard sized cassettes versus large cassettes. Chance corrected measures of sensitivity and specificity and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated for women with and without large breasts. Results The study found that the sensitivity and specificity of mammography was greater for larger breasted woman. The incidence of breast cancer was also found to be higher in woman with larger breasts in the combined population (73.1 per 100,000 (95% CI 65.9–80.2) in large breasted women versus 52.8 (95% CI 51.1–54.5) in other women) and in each of the specific age groups. This study confirms the appropriateness of mammographic screening for women with large breasts.



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