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ScienceDaily报道(2012年6月11日)布来根妇女医院的研究者发现导致宫颈癌的乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的靶细胞群。 根据美国国家癌症研究中心的研究显示,所有宫颈癌均由HPV感染所致,约70%的宫颈癌由两种HPV病毒类型(即16和18)引起。科学家们推定,从HPV感染开始发展到宫颈占位性病变要历经数十年。 <!--more--> 现在,布来根妇女医院和其密切合作...



现在,布来根妇女医院和其密切合作伙伴哈佛医学院、新加坡科学技术研究机构共同研究有新发现,称为“鳞柱交界”的宫颈特定范围特定的一群细胞受HPV感染会恶变,而宫颈其他部位的细胞并非如此。研究结果在线刊登在 美国国家科学院院刊 (PNAS)六月11日刊。

“我们在宫颈特定的部位发现一些散在的细胞,即使不是全部,也是绝大部分和宫颈癌有关。”Christopher Crum博士说,布来根妇女医院女性和围产医学病理学科主任,也是该论文的资深作者。

Crum博士和Michael Herfs博士(列日大学的研究员也是本研究的主要领导者)和Xian/Mckeon 实验室合作,研究显示,这些细胞有一种独特的基因表达,宫颈恶性肿瘤细胞中也发现这种表达。这个发现可能有助于临床医生辨别宫颈癌癌前病变的潜在危险,并有助于指导治疗。


<h3>A discrete population of squamocolumnar junction cells implicated in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer.</h3>
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012;:

Herfs M Yamamoto Y Laury A Wang X Nucci MR McLaughlin-Drubin ME Münger K Feldman S McKeon FD Xian W Crum CP

Division of Women's and Perinatal Pathology, Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA 02115.


Infection by carcinogenic human papillomaviruses (HPV) results in precancers [cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN)] and cancers near the ectoendocervical squamocolumnar (SC) junction of the cervix. However, the specific cells targeted by HPV have not been identified and the cellular origin of cervical cancer remains elusive. In this study, we uncovered a discrete population of SC junctional cells with unique morphology and gene-expression profile. We also demonstrated that the selected junctional biomarkers were expressed by a high percentage of high-grade CIN and cervical cancers associated with carcinogenic HPVs but rarely in ectocervical/transformation zone CINs or those associated with noncarcinogenic HPVs. That the original SC junction immunophenotype was not regenerated at new SC junctions following excision, not induced by expression of viral oncoproteins in foreskin keratinocytes, and not seen in HPV-related precursors of the vagina, vulva, and penis further support the notion that junctional cells are the source of cervical cancer. Taken together, our findings suggest that carcinogenic HPV-related CINs and cervical cancers are linked to a small, discrete cell population that localizes to the SC junction of the cervix, expresses a unique gene expression signature, and is not regenerated after excision. The findings in this study uncover a potential target for cervical cancer prevention, provide insight into the risk assessment of cervical lesions, and establish a model for elucidating the pathway to cervical cancer following carcinogenic HPV infection.

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