
PLoS ONE:崔宗斌等斑马鱼温度刺激适应机制的研究获进展

首页 » 研究 1970-01-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
<div id="region-column1and2-layout2"> <div> 温度是决定鱼类生长、发育、摄食和繁殖等生命活动的关键生态因子。环境温度对蛋白质的正确折叠、组装、活性和稳定性,以及膜的流动性和透过性等都有重要影响,即使是小幅度的温度波动也会对细胞的平衡状态和生理功能造成影响。鱼类经常会遇到由水流、阳光照射、季节变化和温跃层变动等造...
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<div> 温度是决定鱼类生长、发育、摄食和繁殖等生命活动的关键生态因子。环境温度对蛋白质的正确折叠、组装、活性和稳定性,以及膜的流动性和透过性等都有重要影响,即使是小幅度的温度波动也会对细胞的平衡状态和生理功能造成影响。鱼类经常会遇到由水流、阳光照射、季节变化和温跃层变动等造成的水温变化。为了抵抗环境温度变化造成的不利影响和维持细胞的正常功能,鱼类进化形成了有效的温度刺激适应机制。</div>
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该研究工作得到国家自然科学基金和国家863项目资助,由龙勇助理研究员等人完成,相关研究结果已在<em>PLoS ONE</em>发表。 
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<img src="http://www.bioon.com/biology/UploadFiles/201206/2012060610051134.jpg" alt="" width="113" height="149" border="0" />

<a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037209" target="_blank">doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037209</a>


<br/><strong>Transcriptomic Characterization of Temperature Stress Responses in Larval Zebrafish</strong><br/>

Yong Long1, Linchun Li2, Qing Li1, Xiaozhen He1, Zongbin Cui1*

Temperature influences nearly all biochemical, physiological and life history activities of fish, but the molecular mechanisms underlying the temperature acclimation remains largely unknown. Previous studies have identified many temperature-regulated genes in adult tissues; however, the transcriptional responses of fish larvae to temperature stress are not well understood. In this study, we characterized the transcriptional responses in larval zebrafish exposed to cold or heat stress using microarray analysis. In comparison with genes expressed in the control at 28°C, a total of 2680 genes were found to be affected in 96 hpf larvae exposed to cold (16°C) or heat (34°C) for 2 and 48 h and most of these genes were expressed in a temperature-specific and temporally regulated manner. Bioinformatic analysis identified multiple temperature-regulated biological processes and pathways. Biological processes overrepresented among the earliest genes induced by temperature stress include regulation of transcription, nucleosome assembly, chromatin organization and protein folding. However, processes such as RNA processing, cellular metal ion homeostasis and protein transport and were enriched in genes up-regulated under cold exposure for 48 h. Pathways such as mTOR signalling, p53 signalling and circadian rhythm were enriched among cold-induced genes, while adipocytokine signalling, protein export and arginine and praline metabolism were enriched among heat-induced genes. Although most of these biological processes and pathways were specifically regulated by cold or heat, common responses to both cold and heat stresses were also found. Thus, these findings provide new interesting clues for elucidation of mechanisms underlying the temperature acclimation in fish.
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<div> <br/>来源:中科院水生所</div>
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