

首页 » 1970-01-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
<div id="region-column1and2-layout2">趋化因子在调节T细胞免疫功能中发挥重要作用。5月27日<em>Nature</em>杂志在线发表了Tajie H. Harris等的研究论文,进一步揭示了趋化因子CXCL10调节CD8+T细胞功能的机制,并发现了此类细胞新的运动方式。</div> <...
<div id="region-column1and2-layout2">趋化因子在调节T细胞免疫功能中发挥重要作用。5月27日<em>Nature</em>杂志在线发表了Tajie H. Harris等的研究论文,进一步揭示了趋化因子CXCL10调节CD8+T细胞功能的机制,并发现了此类细胞新的运动方式。</div>
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<img src="http://www.bioon.com/biology/UploadFiles/201206/2012060314345068.jpg" alt="" width="113" height="149" border="0" hspace="0" />

<a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2011.10.017" target="_blank">doi:</a><a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature11098" target="_blank">10.1016/j.cell.2011.10.017</a>


<div><br/><strong>Generalized Lévy walks and the role of chemokines in migration of effector CD8+ T cells</strong><br/>
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<div>Tajie H. Harris, Edward J. Banigan,David A. Christian,et al</div>
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<div>Chemokines have a central role in regulating processes essential to the immune function of T cells1, such as their migration within lymphoid tissues and targeting of pathogens in sites of inflammation. Here we track T cells using multi-photon microscopy to demonstrate that the chemokine CXCL10 enhances the ability of CD8+ T cells to control the pathogen Toxoplasma gondii in the brains of chronically infected mice. This chemokine boosts T-cell function in two different ways: it maintains the effector T-cell population in the brain and speeds up the average migration speed without changing the nature of the walk statistics. Notably, these statistics are not Brownian; rather, CD8+ T-cell motility in the brain is well described by a generalized Lévy walk. According to our model, this unexpected feature enables T cells to find rare targets with more than an order of magnitude more efficiency than Brownian random walkers. Thus, CD8+ T-cell behaviour is similar to Lévy strategies reported in organisms ranging from mussels to marine predators and monkeys and CXCL10 aids T cells in shortening the average time taken to find rare targets.</div>
<div> <br/>来源:生物谷 </div>
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