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近日,刊登在国际杂志<em>Journal of the National Cancer Institute</em>上的一篇研究报告指出,来自于饮食或者单纯维生素E的摄入可以降低肝癌患病风险。肝癌是世界上第三大常见的癌症死亡疾病,将近85%的肝癌发生在发展中国家,在中国占到了54%。很多流行病学调查了维生素E的摄入和肝癌的关系,然而众多结果并不一致。 为了确定维生素...
近日,刊登在国际杂志<em>Journal of the National Cancer Institute</em>上的一篇研究报告指出,来自于饮食或者单纯维生素E的摄入可以降低肝癌患病风险。肝癌是世界上第三大常见的癌症死亡疾病,将近85%的肝癌发生在发展中国家,在中国占到了54%。很多流行病学调查了维生素E的摄入和肝癌的关系,然而众多结果并不一致。




编译自:<a title="" href="http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/07/120717162627.htm" target="_blank">Vitamin E May Lower Liver Cancer Risk</a>
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<img src="http://www.bioon.com/biology/UploadFiles/201207/2012071822293533.jpg" alt="" width="113" height="149" border="0" />

<a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1093/jnci/djs277" target="_blank">doi:10.1093/jnci/djs277</a>


<br/><strong>Vitamin Intake and Liver Cancer Risk: A Report From Two Cohort Studies in China</strong><br/>

Wei Zhang, Xiao-Ou Shu, Honglan Li, Gong Yang, Hui Cai, Bu-Tian Ji, Jing Gao, Yu-Tang Gao, Wei Zheng and Yong-Bing Xiang

Correspondence to: Xiao-Ou Shu, MD, PhD, Vanderbilt Epidemiology Center, 2525 West End Ave, Ste 600 (IMPH), Nashville, TN 37203-1738 (e-mail: xiao-ou.shu@vanderbilt.edu) and Yong-Bing Xiang, MD, MSc, Shanghai Cancer Institute, No. 25, Lane 2200, Xie Tu Road, Shanghai 200032, People’s Republic of China (e-mail: ybxiang@shsci.org).Background Epidemiologic studies on the relationship between vitamin intake and liver cancer risk are sparse and inconsistent. Methods We evaluated vitamin intake from diet and supplements and risk of liver cancer in 132 837 women and men from China who were recruited into the Shanghai Women’s Health Study from 1997 to 2000 or the Shanghai Men’s Health Study from 2002 to 2006. In-person interviews, using a validated food-frequency questionnaire, were conducted to collect data on dietary habits. Follow-up consisted of in-person surveys and record linkage. Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals were estimated using Cox proportional hazard models with adjustment for potential confounders to compare liver cancer risk among participants with high vs low vitamin intake. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results After excluding the first 2 years of follow-up, 267 participants (including 118 women and 149 men) developed liver cancer during an average of 10.9 (Shanghai Women’s Health Study) or 5.5 (Shanghai Men’s Health Study) years of follow-up. Dietary vitamin E intake was inversely associated with liver cancer risk (P trend = .01), as was vitamin E supplement use (hazard ratio = 0.52, 95% confidence interval = 0.30 to 0.90). This association was consistent among participants with and without self-reported liver disease or a family history of liver cancer. Vitamin C and multivitamin use was associated with increased risk among participants with self-reported liver disease or family history of liver cancer, whereas intake of vitamin C and other vitamins from dietary sources was unrelated to liver cancer risk. Conclusions Vitamin E intake, either from diet or supplements, may reduce the risk of liver cancer.


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