
Current Biol:亨廷顿病患者的基因突变可促进其学习能力提高

首页 » 1970-01-01 转化医学网 赞(2)
“携带有遗传突变的亨廷顿病症患者比正常人群学习地更快,而且其遗传突变越显著,其学习能力越强,”刊登在国际杂志<em>Current Biology</em>上的一篇研究报告中,来自波鸿大学的研究者得出了这样的结论。研究小组同时也首次阐述了神经变性疾病和学习能力的增加直接相关。<!--more--> <br/><strong>通过重复...
“携带有遗传突变的亨廷顿病症患者比正常人群学习地更快,而且其遗传突变越显著,其学习能力越强,”刊登在国际杂志<em>Current Biology</em>上的一篇研究报告中,来自波鸿大学的研究者得出了这样的结论。研究小组同时也首次阐述了神经变性疾病和学习能力的增加直接相关。<!--more-->


以前研究中,研究者报道了,通过短期持续重复接受视觉刺激物或可长期改变人们的视觉,参与者的这项任务就是检测刺激所引发的视觉光亮上的改变。当前研究中,相同的研究在29位遗传突变的亨廷顿病(Huntington's disease)患者中进行,这些患者并未表现出任何症状。同时研究者也检测了45个对照人群(无任何基因组突变)。两组参与者中,接受被动刺激物的患者相比没有接受的人群表现出更为有效的学习能力。对于亨廷顿突变患者来说,相比没有突变的参与者来说,其增加了两倍以上的学习能力。







编译自:<a title="" href="http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120914080640.htm" target="_blank">Huntington’s Gene Mutation Carriers Learn Faster</a>
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<a title="" href="http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.08.012" target="_blank">doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.08.012</a>


<br/><strong>Faster Perceptual Learning through Excitotoxic Neurodegeneration</strong><br/>

Christian Beste, Edmund Wascher, Hubert R. Dinse, Carsten Saft


Glutamatergic neural transmission is involved in both neural plasticity [1,2,3] and neurodegeneration [4,5,6]. This combination of roles could result in ambivalent effects in which excitotoxic neurodegeneration augments neural plasticity in parallel. Neural plasticity can be induced by exposure-based learning (EBL) that resembles timing properties of long-term potentiation (LTP) protocols (i.e., LTP-like learning) [7,8]. Even though it has not been demonstrated so far in animal models that perceptual effects of such stimulation protocols are mediated by typical LTP mechanisms, it has been shown that exposure-based learning exerts strong effects on cognitive brain functioning [9] and is modulated by glutamatergic neural transmission [1]. We reveal that exposure-based perceptual learning is more efficient in a human model of excitotoxic neurodegeneration than in healthy participants. Premanifest Huntington's disease gene mutation carriers showed faster increases in perceptual sensitivities than controls. This in turn changed attentional processing in extrastriate visual areas objectified using electroencephalogram data. The emergence of faster learning correlated positively with genetic disease load. Our results confirm an ambivalent action of increased glutamatergic transmission, implying that the process of excitotoxic neurodegeneration is associated with enhanced perceptual learning, which can be used to improve attentional and behavioral control via the alteration of perceptual sensitivities.


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