
耶鲁大学获NIH 1100万美元资助用于开发新型肺癌个体化疗法

首页 » 产业 » 行业 2015-09-02 转化医学网 赞(3)

  这项以以特殊杰出研究人才(Specialized Program of Research Excellence,SPORE)为基础的研究计划主要致力于通过揭示肺癌发生发展及耐药发生过程中的靶向生化及免疫通路来开发新型的治疗及预防性疗法。
  在这项资助的帮助下,耶鲁大学的科学家们将同研究者Frank Slack合作来开发基于microRNA的肺癌治疗方法。
  最后研究者Roy Herbst在一份声明中表示,目前治疗肺癌的一个大问题就是如何帮助从事基础研究、转化医学研究及临床研究的专家们将研究重点从实验室转移到临床中去,如果可以将实验室的研究结果转化到临床中,这或许可以帮助研究者扩大对肺癌发病机制及新型疗法的研究思路,这样研究者的联合研究成果才可以帮助抵御常见的致死性疾病的发生。(转化医学网360zhyx.com)

NCI Awards Yale $11M to Fund Lung Cancer Research Program
The National Cancer Institute has awarded Yale University a five-year, $11 million grant to establish a new research program to study the biology and personalized treatment of lung cancer.

The so-called Specialized Program of Research Excellence, or SPORE, initiative is specifically focused on developing novel therapeutics and personalized prevention strategies by improving the understanding of targetable biochemical and immunological pathways involved in the progression of lung cancer and the acquisition of resistance to therapy, according to the grant's abstract.

To do so, SPORE investigators will look to uncover the mechanisms underlying patient response and resistance to cancer drugs targeting programmed cell death protein-1; gain a better understanding of the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway in mutant/resistant lung cancer; and explore smoking-cessation messaging targeting Americans with asymptomatic lung nodules who continue to smoke.

Under the SPORE program, Yale researchers will also work with Frank Slack, a former Yale scientist who now runs the Institute for RNA Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, on the development of microRNA-based therapeutics for lung cancer.

"The only way to approach a problem as big as lung cancer is to have experts in basic, translational, and clinical research working on several fronts taking the research from the lab to the clinic and back again to develop even newer insights," Yale researcher Roy Herbst, the principal investigator of the grant, said in a statement. "This effort represents tremendous teamwork by investigators to combat this very common and all-too-fatal disease."

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