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Public Health in the Precision-Medicine Era
NEJM    DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1506241
Ronald Bayer, Ph.D., and Sandro Galea, M.D., Dr.P.H.
That clinical medicine has contributed enormously to our ability to treat and cure sick people is beyond contention. But whether and to what extent medical care has transformed morbidity and mortality patterns at a population level and what contribution, if any, it has made to the well-being and life expectancy of the least-advantaged people have been matters of contention for more than a century. This debate has taken on renewed importance as the scientific leadership at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Academy of Medicine, and U.S. universities have taken up the challenge of personalized or precision medicine. It is a challenge given all the more salience by President Barack Obama's announcement in his State of the Union address that his administration would seek to fund a major new initiative. Responding to the President's words, Harold Varmus, director of the National Cancer Institute, and Francis Collins, director of the NIH, have written that “What is needed now is a broad research program to build the evidence base needed to guide clinical practice.”1
The enthusiasm for this initiative derives from the assumption that precision medicine will contribute to clinical practice and thereby advance the health of the public. We suggest, however, that this enthusiasm is premature. “What is needed now” is quite different if one views the world from the perspective of the broad pattern of morbidity and mortality, if one is concerned about why the United States has sunk to the bottom of the list of comparable countries in terms of disease experience and life expectancy, or if one is troubled by the steep social gradient that characterizes who becomes sick and who dies. The burgeoning precision-medicine agenda is largely silent on these issues, focusing instead on detecting and curing disease at the individual level.
So is this approach indeed “What is needed now”? Our skepticism about what precision medicine has to offer is predicated on both a reading of the evidence regarding social determinants of population health and recognition of what that evidence means for the priorities that should guide our investments to advance public health and reduce health inequities.

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