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据《Translational Psychiatry》报道:来自霍普金斯大学的研究员们用新颖的方法分析了家庭的遗传变异,他们发现个别无害的遗传变异通过影响相关的生化过程,从而增加患精神分裂症的风险。他们表示他们的发现为阐明遗传与精神分裂症的关系带来了线索,也可能通过基因测试来预测针对个性化治疗的药物。
Dimitri Avramopoulos... |
据《Translational Psychiatry》报道:来自霍普金斯大学的研究员们用新颖的方法分析了家庭的遗传变异,他们发现个别无害的遗传变异通过影响相关的生化过程,从而增加患精神分裂症的风险。他们表示他们的发现为阐明遗传与精神分裂症的关系带来了线索,也可能通过基因测试来预测针对个性化治疗的药物。
Dimitri Avramopoulos表示:“我们很早就明白,精神分裂症是家族性的,但是从进化的观点看,由于患者一般很少会要小孩因此致病变异基因无法生存,所以精神分裂症作为一个简单的遗传疾病并没有任何意义。研究发现与精神分裂症相关的基因变异仅仅是一些基因间的弱连接——无法解释这种疾病持续流行的原因,这种疾病影响了大概1%的人群。”
Multiple variants aggregate in the neuregulin signaling pathway in a subset of schizophrenia patients
Despite the strongly held view that schizophrenia (SZ) shows substantial genetic heterogeneity, pathway heterogeneity, as seen in cancer where different pathways are affected in similar tumors, has not been explored. We explore this possibility in a case-only study of the neuregulin signaling pathway (NSP), which has been prominently implicated in SZ and for which there is detailed knowledge on the ligand- and receptor-processing steps through β- and γ-secretase cleavage. We hypothesize that more than one damaging variants in the NSP genes might be necessary to cause disease, leading to an apparent clustering of such variants in only the few patients with affected NSP. We analyze linkage and next-generation sequencing results for the genes encoding components of the pathway, including NRG1, NRG3, ERBB4, β-secretase and the γ-secretase complex. We find multiple independent examples of supporting evidence for this hypothesis: (i) increased linkage scores over NSP genes, (ii) multiple positive interlocus correlations of linkage scores across families suggesting each family is linked to either many or none of the genes, (iii) aggregation of predicted damaging variants in a subset of individuals and (iv) significant phenotypic differences of the subset of patients carrying such variants. Collectively, our data strongly support the hypothesis that the NSP is affected by multiple damaging variants in a subset of phenotypically distinct patients. On the basis of this, we propose a general model of pathway heterogeneity in SZ, which, in part, may explain its phenotypic variability and genetic complexity.